Celebrate Purim in 5779!

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Purim starts on March 20, a festive holiday of rejoicing, yet again, in the fact that we (the Jews) have survived a persecution attempt. Huzzah! Though not as noticeable to the outside world as, say, Chanukah, it is definitely as fun—allowing people of all ages to dress up, eat special sweets, and wave noisemakers called groggers as the Megillah (book of Esther) is read out enthusiastically.

Alas, this is going up after all of the weekend festivities, but still, you don’t have to wait until the 14th of Adar to participate in this holiday. Enjoy these local offerings of Purim-related festivities leading up to and encompassing this holiday event! I’ll once again be at Adas Israel for their Purim spiel, as part of the flash choir! 😀 Chag sameach.

Tuesday, March 19
Resilience Unmasked: Purim, Protest and Power

Resilience Unmasked: Purim, Protest, and Power

Unmasked: A Modern Purim Celebration and Service Project

SHIN DC Purim & Nowruz Lecture & Celebration

Wednesday, March 20

Purim at Adas: A Journey to Everywhere and Nowhere

Sixth & I’s Shushan Circus

Shushan Circus: A Purim Celebration

Bethesda Jewish Congregation Megillah Reading and Adult Costume Event

Temple Shalom Tot Purim

Oseh Shalom TV Characters Purim Spiel

Har Tzeon-Agudath Achim Pirate Purim

Congregation Etz Hayim Partial Megillah Reading & Purim Spiel

Tikvat Israel Congregation Purim Puppet Show