Local DC Shots for Purim 5772!

Happy belated Purim! Wasn’t able to get out much, unfortunately, due to school, so I decided to show a more unique side to the local offerings for Purim. Photos include from Adas Israel’s Rose Ruth Freudberg Memorial Sisterhood Library, GatherTheJews, Washington Jewish Week, and The Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington. Hope you enjoy!

Also available on Facebook; click here to see.

Celebrate Purim in 5772!

Graphic Courtesy of Crystal Cloud Graphics

Graphic Courtesy of Crystal Cloud Graphics

Purim starts on Wednesday, a festive holiday of rejoicing, yet again, in the fact that we (the Jews) have survived an attempt at persecution. Though not as noticeable to the outside world as, say, Chanukah, it is definitely as fun—allowing people of all ages to dress up, eat special sweets, and wave noisemakers called groggers as the Megillah (book of Esther) is read out enthusiastically.

…but you don’t have to wait until the 14th of Adar to dress up as your favorite Biblical character (or maybe you do :P) Enjoy these local offerings of Purim-related festivities to get you in the mood!

Monday, March 5

Hamentaschen Baking
7:00 pm

Wednesday, March 7

B’nai Tzedek: Purim Young Family Service
5:30 am

Purim Wine and Cheesentaschen
6:00 pm

Tifereth Israel: Purim Service, Skits, Costumes
6:45 pm

AishDC Megillah Reading and Costume Party
6:45 pm

Tikkun Leil Shabbat Purim Celebration
6:45 pm

The Megillah Mash-Up
7:00 pm

Bet Mishpachah: Purim Service and Celebration
7:00 pm

Tikvat Israel Purim Celebration
7:00 pm

Beth El: Megillah Madness
7:30 pm