Pride Month 2024 in Jewish DC!

Bet Mishpachah at the 2024 Capital Pride Festival! / photo taken by Rachel Mauro

Happy Pride! We’re already a fair way into the month, as this blog’s picture shows. I saw a handful or Jewish orgs at the Capital Pride Festival, including Bet Mishpachah, Etz Chayim and the Capital Jewish Museum. The PJ Library also provided some children’s’ books.

Over at GLOE, the Edlavitch JCC’s organization for LGBTQ individuals, you can see there’s still a lot going on in June!

This evening at 6:15, GLOE is headed to Theater J to watch The Hatmaker’s Wife! Lauren Yee’s folkloric tale revolves around a man, his wife…and his hat.

And here’s some more events coming up:

Friday, June 14
Pride Shabbat at Temple Sinai with some Shavuot ice cream

Thursday, June 20
Pride Happy Hour with GLOE and other partners

Friday, June 27
Pride Shabbat Happy Hour at Adas, followed by Kabbalat Shabbat

And for even more around town, check out the Pride page on J-Connect!

Hope all the LGBTQ Jews and allies in DC continue to have a meaningful celebration this month.

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